Full Fortune Brands Limited
We are an Italian designer branded company. In order to match with the expansion, our footwear and watch brand – HeyDUDE and WeWood is now seeking for an experienced, ambitious and self-driven assistant to sales department.
Knowledge of order and logistic process and strong relationships with stakeholders are advantage for this role.
https://heydudeshoesusa.com/ | https://www.we-wood.com/
我們是一家意大利設計師品牌公司。為了配合公司業務擴展,我們旗下品牌HeyDUDE (鞋類) 和WeWood (手錶)正在尋找一位經驗豐富,對工作有熱誠及有責任感的銷售部門助理。他能了解訂單和物流流程以及能與各合作部門建立良好溝通及關係。
https://heydudeshoesusa.com/ | https://www.we-wood.com/
業務跟單員Technical managerProject ManagerAccount ManagerGarphic DesingerFootwear DesignerProduct ManagerDesigner Jr  配色师研发部助理R&D ASSISTANT SHOES